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The Witch Cult Reborn

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From the height of barrow-crowned Aravia
To the shadows of the Giant’s Dance, 
From the charnel grounds of far-off Babylon 
To the green western land of the horned serpents: 
Holy Lord, Master of things seen and unseen,
When baneful arts work we, be thou our awful strength; 
When wealful arts work we, be thou our good blessing. 
Lord of Amity, Lord of Venom, know us as your own:
When the hounds of malice pursue us in our ways, 
Be our protector and our advocate- 
Let thy serving men and valets enfold us, 
Preserve us, instruct us, and requite injuries done on us. 
For as long as the briny oceans are bitter 
And the fires beneath the earth blaze hot, may this be so.

-Elphane Liturgy

N O N   M O R I E R I S

The Elphane Witchdom is a cultic association of people joined together by shared initiatory experience and by a shared ritual means of the sacred. It is in communion with spiritual beings who empowered the phenomenon of sorcery or witchcraft within human bodies and souls in the distant past, and who continue to empower those today who can achieve the ecstatic conditions of mind and body necessary to receive them. Those spiritual forces and spiritual beings are deathless; they indwell an aspect of the world that is deathless, and ecstatic states of the body and the soul can open the way into it.

Beyond empowerment in sorcerous abilities, the spiritual beings who are in relational communion with the Elphane Witchdom mediate- through the experience of shared Mysteries- access to the secret heart of Nature itself, which contains the missing chapters of the story of human life and all life otherwise: precious things which have been forgotten by most modern cultures. An updated document describing some of the realities of the Elphane Cultus in more detail may be downloaded here.

The Witchdom is a manifestation of the witchcraft of our shared history. It is an expression of the Witched events and realities that sometimes reveal their presence in the pages of folklore or in certain historical sources. Our Cultus is a collaboration between humans and certain spiritual beings who waited until the conditions were right to influence the formation of a cultic association in their Names- a thing they have done at times throughout human history. Our community is not a product of the neo-occult world nor any of its contemporary ideologies; we were born from poetry, learning, hardship, bravery, tenacity, passion, and the ecstatic grace of beings in the Land beneath our feet and in the deeper reaches of the Unseen World.

In-person initiation and the completion of an apprenticeship is required to enter the Elphane Witchdom. Initiators have arisen from inside of the Cultus and others are in the process of being formed. Others will appear from the various lines of initiatic transmission over time. Information about them and how to contact them is given below and will be updated and expanded regularly- but be certain to read the file offered above before inquiring.

Jaudaret Horned Serpent Line Hancock County, ME
Kallestia Kin of Kallestia Dorset, UK
Abyssia Maegth of Abyssia Penobscot County, ME To be announced
Mabaxas Ken of Mabaxas East Anglia, UK
Keinasa Strind of Keinasa Lane County, OR To be announced
To be announced To be announced Ontario, Canada To be announced

As Covens of the Witchdom form, they will be listed below.

King's Mountain Coven Hancock County, ME Active
Woodbury Hill Coven Dorset, UK Forming
Far Fen Coven East Anglia, UK Forming

We vouch praise to the Mighty Ones, those women and men who in ancient days did manifest the Powers of Nature and Preternature through their flesh, their bones, their blood, and their souls, increasing the pleasure and virtue of our foreparents. From the Great Ones came forth joy and healing in abundance, alongside the darkest Arts and communion with the dead.

May the undying spirits of the Mighty Ones illuminate our blood, vitalize our sinews, and strengthen our bones, making a passage-gate of our bodies which opens upon the green meadows of their own timeless time. May the Serpent Son and the Lady of the Seven Stars receive us and establish us in sagacity and serenity forever.

Elphane Liturgy

All website content here is Copyright © Robin Artisson and The Communion of Elphane 2020-2025. All rights reserved. No part of this website may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, or using the material for video/audio presentations without the prior written permission of the copyright holder. The PDF made available above is free to share in accord with US Copyright Law.